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Saturday, July 25, 2015
I'm his new Cougar sex addictiion
I've been hooking up with this young 27 year old stud I met at the local Starbucks a few miles from my house. He is drop dead sexy with nice full lips made for kissing and gorgeous blonde hair. After we fucked a few times, he's been calling and texting me all day and night. Then he told me that he dumped his girlfriend of 3 years so that we could spend more time together. I guess my blow jobs where better than hers. Who knows? He invited me to come to a pool hall to meet some of his friends. I declined nicely because I'm not ready to be the older chick hanging out at the bars with youngsters every weekend.I know those young sluts are gonna be jealous of me when I walk in with my mini dress on and my fire red lipstick. As much as I love getting my cougar pussy fucked by this young sexy stud, I don't wanna be tied down in a committed relationship. I don't want him coming to my house unannounced or wanting to stay the weekend over. Im a cougar, I know all the games that young men play. Been there, done that. I want that good rock hard monster cock and that's it. I have a good time fucking him and sucking his beautiful cock and balls. He's very good and passionate with his foreplay, however I'm at the point where it is very hard for me to get emotionally connected to someone at this age. I'm all about having fun, partying with my friends traveling and being a home body. He's a young guy and I think he should just live out the fantasy with me.That's what I appreciate about my young phone sex callers they keep the fantasy as it is. Just a fantasy.
1800 to Flirt ext 9786723