The best Dommes, Submissives, vanilla, Phone Sex and sexy entertainment available on the internet. All of the people here are on Niteflirt. @bestoftheflirts
Monday, June 6, 2016
Get addicted to my voice and beautiful holy porcelain ass.
Thursday, May 19, 2016
EXXXtreme British Wallet FUCK
Saturday, January 16, 2016
Failed & ruined orgasm
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Introducing sissy Nikki and 2 Domme homewrecking body worship
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Married cuckolding slut gets gangbanged
Friday, October 30, 2015
Tricks and Treats on Niteflirt
Sunday, June 7, 2015
SSBBW phonesex is what you need tonight so pick up the phone
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Cougar Phonesex All Night Long
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Munches, what are they? BDSM 101
A munch (derived from "burger munch") is a casual social gathering for people involved in or interested in BDSM. Munches often take place at a restaurant, bar, or coffee shop; the organizer usually reserving a large table, a back area, or a private room. People are free to arrive and leave within the specified hours. The primary purpose is socializing, although some munches also have announcements or demonstrations from local organizations or individuals. Munches are meant to help those who are curious about BDSM meet others, become more comfortable, and better informed. Munches can also be a place to get advice, or pass on anecdotes about BDSM experiences.
More recently, munches dedicated to people into polyamory have sprung up around the U.S. They function much the same as BDSM munches, with perhaps more focus on talking about poly relationships. Some come with food, and there are now some "Liquid Munches" that are held, usually early enough for conversation to be possible, in bars.
Unlike a play party, most munches are informal affairs that discourage fetish attire or BDSM play.[citation needed] However some munches may be held as a get-together prior to a more formal play party, or other groups may be open to the wearing of collars or pride emblems; as such, covert Master/slave interactions, fetish dress, or other BDSM play maybe observed.
Munches have changed with time and with increasing social acceptability of BDSM and fetish lifestyles. Many have expanded to include more people, topics and philosophies.[citation needed] Some munches may have a specific focus, such as spirituality, or whips. Others may be restricted to a specific group; such as women, or submissives. Munches can be very specific to their region, city, or neighbourhood, and regional groups will often host member's only meetings. Each munch is different and reflects the personality of the group that attends it.
Many munch organizers post their event information on social networking sites, some may use e-mail or mailing lists. Local BDSM groups may announce a munch in-person at a meeting, on a community calendar or newsletter, or on their own websites.
*taken from Wikipedia*
Likeminded individuals--you'd be surprised.

That's where submitting, to give over power, even if only for a while--can be such a release. Subspace is a brilliant floaty feeling, a high if you will, where you can let go. I'd encourage you to try it -- if you're one of those guys where the day to day pressure has to drained at the end of the day.
Give up that power -- for a while.
Nearly all of my callers will attest to the fact that they feel relieved, mentally, physically and spiritually after giving up control.
Definition - What does Total Power Exchange (TPE) mean?
Total power exchange (TPE) is a relationship dynamic that occurs in a BDSM relationship where the dominant partner has total power over the submissive in everything. TPE always applies in sexual situations, but generally also refers to the dominant having power over all other elements of the submissive's life.
TPE is a turn-on for a lot of people because of the level of trust involved. The submissive essentially gives their life away to the dominant. This is also a huge responsibility for the dominant and should not be taken lightly.
TPE can be used in day-to-day activities, or it can be used for just a few hours during play to spice things up. This type of play is not about micromanaging a person's life; it’s about a submissive giving complete trust to the dominant partner and believing that he or she will have the submissive's best interests and pleasure in mind. What can be so hard to understand is that the submissive actually control. That's because in sane, respectful D/s relationship the submissive can stop the play at any time. It's all about the submissive being able to give up control and the dominant being able to exert control in a safe, consensual way.

I just made this guided Masturbation goody bag, check it out:

Monday, May 18, 2015
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Bizarre Fetishes -- the more you know and NO JUDGEMENT
From here:
”I think most of us men are guilty of experimenting with some sort of fetish, indulging in a bit of roleplay? maybe being tied up and spanked? or perhaps partaking in a bit of necrophilia? (hopefully not) but if you dig deep enough the Internet can reveal some of the most bizarre and genuine fetishes that people actually enjoy. Here is a list of 10 fetishes that are weirder than your grandad wearing Reebok’s.
1. Symphorophilia Kicking off the list is the fetish called Symphorophilia which means that a person gets sexually aroused by natural disasters, so if your wondering why you felt the urge to reach for the Kleenex when the Haiti earthquake came on the news, This is why.
2. Klismaphilia This fetish means a person gets sexual gratification through receiving an enema, I fail to see the attraction myself but just be wary if your mate is overly enthusiastic about having one.
3. Hemotigolagnia A Hemotigolagniac is someone who gets turned on by ’sanitary pads’ Either used or not, watch out for the dude ramming allways ultra into a shopping trolley whilst dribbling.
4. Harpaxophilia A Harpaxophiliac gets heavily aroused at the thought of being burgled, this makes me wonder what is wrong with the human race, someone getting their rocks whilst having there Xbox nicked is ludicrous, and I can imagine quite unpleasant for the burglar too!
5. Nasolingus Picking my your nose and flicking it is a pretty fun past time for many men, but do this around someone with Nasolingus (someone who is aroused by bogeys) you could find yourself in an uncomfortable situation.
6. Parthenophagy This one is a bit dark, a person with this fetish gets turned on by the thought of eating (not eating out) young girls or virgins, so any virgins should get laid now in case you end up in a stew.
7. Tripsolagnia A person with this fetish gets sexual pleasure from having there hair shampooed, step away from the Timotei!
8. Avisodomy Someone who gets sexual gratification from having sex with birds, no wonder Bill Oddie is always smiling, dirty bastard.
9. Catheterophilia I have no idea why but a person with this fetish gets turned on by ‘catheters’ what they actually do with a catheter to get sexual pleasure from it is a mystery.
10. Nosolagnia This is weird, a person that has this fetish gets ‘happy’ knowing there partner has a terminal illness….what is wrong with people, a box of tissues and the underwear section of a Kay’s catalogue is just not enough for some people!
Got a fetish? an idea of a roleplay?
No judgement--
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Today I don't feel like doing anything...

If you're feelin' the same way, let's hang conversate on whatever topic comes up. For example...Anonymous...the internet? V for Vendetta ties? Yep, this girl's onboard...
Remember, remember!
The fifth of November,
The Gunpowder treason and plot;
I know of no reason
Why the Gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot!
Guy Fawkes and his companions
Did the scheme contrive,
To blow the King and Parliament
All up alive.
Threescore barrels, laid below,
To prove old England's overthrow.
But, by God's providence, him they catch,
With a dark lantern, lighting a match!
A stick and a stake
For King James's sake!
If you won't give me one,
I'll take two,
The better for me,
And the worse for you.
A rope, a rope, to hang the Pope,
A penn'orth of cheese to choke him,
A pint of beer to wash it down,
And a jolly good fire to burn him.
Holloa, boys! holloa, boys! make the bells ring!
Holloa, boys! holloa boys! God save the King!
Hip, hip, hooor-r-r-ray!
Yeah, ok it was overused because of V...but there is something to be said for the piece
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Cuckolding Phone Sex "Just keeping it real"
I have seen so many married women coming around to find black bulls to satisfy them in ways their husbands never could. Most men believe that they have their household under control because they pay the mortgage and wear the pants. Remove the pants, and take away the job and the money. What do you have? A worthless weak piece of nothing.
I understand why these women come around searching for black men. They get married just to use their husbands and get a free ride to the good life. Is this fair? Yes, men usually marry a woman for her looks or her body. A trophy to cover up his insecurities. I don’t feel sorry for these men that have cheating wives. Most men have fantasized at one time or another of seeing their wives get fucked by other men. Especially men that are not well endowed in the cock area. This has become so popular on the internet because people usually want to be discrete. I know all about this. This is not the half. Wanna hear more? This is more than phone sex, this is the truth. call me at 1800 TO FLIRT ext. 9702633
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Kiwi Candy Dancing through your thoughts