That's where submitting, to give over power, even if only for a while--can be such a release. Subspace is a brilliant floaty feeling, a high if you will, where you can let go. I'd encourage you to try it -- if you're one of those guys where the day to day pressure has to drained at the end of the day.
Give up that power -- for a while.
Nearly all of my callers will attest to the fact that they feel relieved, mentally, physically and spiritually after giving up control.
Definition - What does Total Power Exchange (TPE) mean?
Total power exchange (TPE) is a relationship dynamic that occurs in a BDSM relationship where the dominant partner has total power over the submissive in everything. TPE always applies in sexual situations, but generally also refers to the dominant having power over all other elements of the submissive's life.
TPE is a turn-on for a lot of people because of the level of trust involved. The submissive essentially gives their life away to the dominant. This is also a huge responsibility for the dominant and should not be taken lightly.
TPE can be used in day-to-day activities, or it can be used for just a few hours during play to spice things up. This type of play is not about micromanaging a person's life; it’s about a submissive giving complete trust to the dominant partner and believing that he or she will have the submissive's best interests and pleasure in mind. What can be so hard to understand is that the submissive actually control. That's because in sane, respectful D/s relationship the submissive can stop the play at any time. It's all about the submissive being able to give up control and the dominant being able to exert control in a safe, consensual way.

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